Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Daily Averages

Weight: 258.5

Holy-moly! This morning I woke up to some serious weight loss. My brain knows it is simply water & waste loss, but my heart says, WOW!

I'm also tracking my weight with Google 15. It gives me a seven-day average. It's nice because I don't beat myself up over small gains such as over-hydration. This morning Google 15 shows my weight at 261.9, which is the average of the weight I have logged thus far, yet the scale shows 258.5. Moving averages is a neat concept when dealing with weight loss, lets say I gain a pound tomorrow... my "7-day average" will still show me on track and LOSING weight, because the AVERAGE has decreased. It's just another tool to keep me on track.

Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1-tbsp sugar, 1-tbsp butter, walnuts, and 1-cup skim milk (530)

Pre-lunch snack: 1-slice wheat bread, light-mayo, and 1-slice of turkey (130)

Lunch was similar to yesterday, but this time I planned on splitting the food into two meals. The ingredients included: 16oz ground turkey, 1.5 cup white rice, medium bag of mixed veggies (corn, carrots, peas, green beans, lima beans), 1-onion, 1-tbsp minced garlic, and 1-tbsp of soy sauce. (1186)

I ate about 1/3 of the food and was full. The food lacked something, but I'm not sure what. Bottom line... it was blah.

Today's cardio included a 27-minute walk and a 3-minute run. Alison was on her scooter and I had Lulu on the leash for our walk. Its been raining most of the day, which made it god-awful humid outside. Alison and I were both completely soaked with sweat when we got back home. The walk pace was: 16:56 and run pace was 11:27.

The humidity filled walk zapped all my energy. Still managed to finish my weight training afterwards. Upper-body workout included the following exercises:
3 x 10 wrist curl 25#
3 x 10 reverse wrist curl 8#
3 x 10 alternate bicep curl 15#
3 x 10 seated bicep curl - bar #10
3 x 10 lying triceps curl 15#
3 x 10 standing triceps curl - bar 10#
3 x 10 dumbbell press 15#
3 x 10 prone deltoid press 5#

After the workout I was hungry and I knew the food I prepared at lunch was lacking luster, ie taste! I ended up adding a can of cream of chicken (250), which again threw me over my daily calories (2096) URGGGH. I haven't been over 2100 calories yet, so maybe that should be my goal to stay under?!?!?!

There's an outside chance I'm dehydrated. A couple years ago, when I was running a lot we always monitored our hydration level by the color of our urine. It sound barbaric, but it totally works. It is said that you should pee every 4 hours and it should be clear. I also know when you first start taking vitamins it will alter your urine color too. As for me, all the clues lead to dehydration... no energy, humid day, darker than average color pee, etc.

One particular TV show I look forward to every week is 'Biggest Loser'. I always get so motivated by the end of the show. The triumphs and the amount of weight the contestants lose PUMPS ME UP. With the motivation from the show, I decided to do one exercise between each commercial break. Below is a list of what I did during the 2-hour show (8 commercial breaks):
2 x Core planks, 30 seconds each
Using resistance bands:
2 x Bicep curls x 17, each arm
2 x Overhead arm lift 33, each arm
2 x Side arm lift 20, each arm

Not a bad workout, considering I was going to watch the show anyways. These are the type of healthy adjustments I need to make in my life. There is no need to say no to TV, rather, find a way to do a little something extra.

Tonight is the first night since my diet started that I am going to bed, NOT feeling hungry. I suspect the heavy supper will show on the scale tomorrow. Either way, it won't get me down!

1 comment:

Pony and Petey said...

Hey, me again...I'm just catching up on all your posts that I missed.

What's Google 15? Is that a free website weight tracker? Or do you have to pay to join? Sounds interesting...