Only a small weight loss this morning, but I'll take it. I'm still using Google 15, which is a weight loss program. Enter your daily weight and Google 15 while give you a 7-day average. As long as you stay below the moving average, the graph will indicate that you are progressing towards your goal weight. I've only had ONE day above my moving average.
Last night I went to bed at a reasonable time, but we made a couple calls during the night. Ended up with about 5-hours of sleep. I suppose that is the life of a fireman!?!?!?
2-slices wheat bread, 2-slices turkey, 1-tbsp light mayo, and 1-banana (375)
Biked 7.5 miles in 45:45. My legs felt heavy today, so I must be doing something right. I have flashbacks of my weight loss & running from 2006... and it is very motivating.
Upper body workout:
3 x 10 wrist curl 35#
3 x 10 reverse wrist curl 10#
3 x 10 alternate bicep curl 20#
3 x 10 seated bicep curl - bar 15#
3 x 10 lying triceps curl 25#
3 x 10 standing triceps curl - bar 15#
3 x 10 dumbbell press 20#
3 x 10 prone deltoid press 8#
Smoked turkey sandwich on sourdough bread. Light mayo, lettuce, and tomato. Jalapeno chips (725)
With my handy-dandy scale and some baggies, I portioned out some of the groceries I bought today. I hope this will reduce my serving sizes to a reasonable amount.
In celebration of Earth Day, I purchased some "earth friendly" grocery totes. This will reduce my need for plastic bags when I go grocery shopping.
2-flour tortillas, 6-oz mahi-mahi fish, 1-tbsp hoisin sauce, and 3.5-oz jalapeno chips (860)
You might have noticed that I have been eating a lot of chips. This is unusual for me, because chips are not one of my favorite foods. For whatever reason I have been craving potato chips for the last couyple weeks. Random tidbit: I only eat one kind of chip... kettle cooked jalapeno flavor.
Pineapple juice (110)
Total calories for the day; 2,070
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