Saturday, April 19, 2008


Weight: 249.75
Percentage of Fat: 32.7%
Fat Mass Weight: 81.5 lbs

Lost 4.5 lbs this week. Just enough weight to get me under the 250 mark.

Started the day with a banana and a Sweet & Salty granola bar (265)

Steve Cantu joined me this morning for a road bike ride. We cycled along country roads, East of the Lake Houston bridge. We covered 15.81 miles in 1:02:04 (average pace 15.46 mph). With the exception of my first flat tire, it was an enjoyable ride.

I have a lot to do today and I'm really looking forward to my free-meal.

Lulu and I walked 1.36 miles in 22:01 (16:11 pace) and we ran 0.79 miles in 8:02 (10:10 pace).

Mid-body workout:
3 x 15 crunches
3 x 10 side bends 20#
3 x 10 dumbbell press 35#
3 x 10 dumbbell flyes 12#
3 x 10 incline press 25#
3 x 10 dumbbell roll 20#
3 x 10 upright rowing 15#
3 x 10 dead lift 25#

Free Meal:
Mexican Food; 3/4 basket chips and salsa. 1-chicken fajita taco with flour tortilla, 2-large flautas, and ~1.5-cups of Spanish rice. The entree wasn't horrible (calorie wise), but I OVER-DID-IT on the chips.

Spent the remainder of the day at a Wild-Game cook-off. I didn't start getting hungry until 7 pm. It was a struggle with all that good food around me. I had lots of gum and water. Okay, okay... confession, I had a "jello-shot" with my friends. I assume it was about 150 calories for a single shot of whisky.

I didn't leave the cook-off till really late. I'm embarrassed to report, but once again... I turned to Whataburger. It was the only store open and I was really hungry.
Chicken sandwich and large french fry (980)

Total calories for the day, minus the free-meal; 1,410
Overall, I think I fared well considering the temptations.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, you are really doing great. Looks like you set you mind to this thing and are just doing it. Great