Friday, April 18, 2008


Weight: 248.0

Recovery Day

Preston had another follow-up doctors appointment this morning. Since I've been with him for the last six days, we thought it would be best for me to be there. Erin was kind enough to let me ride with her. We talked and laughed like we always have... for a brief moment it seemed as if nothing had ever changed. It is times like this I am confused why we are divorced.

I confided with a friend yesterday about my battle of being, "overwhelmed". They asked me, "What makes you happy?". I said it last night and its worth repeating again, Erin makes me happy. Even with all that I have been through, I am happy when I am around her.

When we got back from the doctors appointment she came in my house for a few minutes to feed Preston. She wasn't able to stay long because she was having lunch with a friend. For the first time in a long time she gave me a hug. I know this will sound 'girlie', but that embrace made me feel better than I have felt in a long time.

First food intake was at 12:30. I took my multi-vitamin and it upset my stomach. I ate a banana and the nausea ceased (105)

Late Lunch:
Skillet meal; Mushroom chicken and mixed vegetables... zucchini, carrots, broccoli, and mushrooms (585)

Snack (with Alison):
Cupcake (320) Yikes!!!

As promised, here is a quick review for the 'Perfect Cleanse' liver detox-cleanse I did last week. The process involved taking 3 pills before dinner (liver detox), a fiber powder mixture after dinner, and a herbal laxative before bed. Most of the reviews do not shine a favorable light on "quick" cleanses. Its appears that serious cleanses' last longer than 30 days. I, on the other hand, was happy with the results. Sweet tea is a HUGE vice of mine and by the second day, it didn't bother me to not have it. No abdominal cramping, although I felt a bit bloated after the 5th day. Probably from all the fiber. I didn't notice any weight loss either, until I was done. Again, probably has something to do with the fiber. I recently started working out, so I don't know who to give credit to for my spike in energy. The process was easy to follow and adhere to. I am likely to suggest Perfect Cleanse to a friend.

Pineapple Smoothie (284)

I have plans for tonight, so I'm posting early.
Total calories for the day; 1,294

1 comment:

Lou Thrash said...

Why don't we see a big YEE-HAW!!! You are under 250! congrats. Keep up the good work...fiber every day is one of my best friends in addition to tons of water. See you on the track soon...LOU