Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Weight 250.0

At work today.

2-flour tortillas, 2-eggs, 5.5-oz potato (479)

1-can rotel, 6-oz mahi-mahi, 2-flour tortillas, and 1-small avocado (597)

Lunch and breakfast tasted really good, but the recent addition of flour tortillas to my diet is starting to pile on some serious calories.

Walked 0.90 miles in 14:00 minutes (15:31 pace). Ran 1.57 miles in 16:02 (10:12 pace). For giggles I wore my heart rate monitor strap. My average heart rate while walking was 126 bpm. Average heart rate during the run was 158 bpm. Per an online search, my maximum heart rate is 174-187. Todays average heart rate was in the aerobic zone.

Lower body workout and mid-body workout, (which I skipped yesterday).
3 x 15 sitting toe lift
3 x 10 squat to bench 20#
3 x 10 forward leg raise
3 x 10 leg extension 35#
3 x 10 hamstring curl 25#
3 x 15 standing tow raise 25#
3 x 10 side leg lift
3 x 10 inner leg lift
3 x 12 toe-in stretch
3 x 12 toe-out stretch

3 x 15 crunches
3 x 10 side bends 20#
3 x 10 dumbbell press 35#
3 x 10 dumbbell flyes 12#
3 x 10 incline press 25#
3 x 10 dumbbell roll 20#
3 x 10 upright rowing 15#
3 x 10 dead lift 25#

I'll be caught up tomorrow after I add the "missed" bike ride.

1.5 cups white rice, 1-can cream of mushroom light, 9-oz chicken breast.

Used too much cream of mushroom, which messed up my rice and added extra calories. Lesson learned.

Diet soda and 2-fat free fig newtons (200)

Total calories for the day: 2,076

1 comment:

Tiggs said...

Bill- I hestitate to offer any unsolicited advice and you can tell me to mind my own beeswax if you want, but I thought I'd ask if you've ever looked into Barry Sears Zone program?

Before you met me (and before any bloggers even knew me) I was about 20 pounds heavier than I am today. That might not seem like a lot, but on a 5'3'' person it is! I started following the Zone- it was very hard at first because I am a sugar addict, but now it comes very naturally to me- and I lost all 20 lbs and have kept it off.

In fact, I lost all 20 pounds in less than one year by following the zone and running. It's not a diet. You don't count calories. You simply figure out how many carbs/protein grams you need per meal and get as close as possible for each meal.

For me that means 3 meals a day at 28 grams of carb/21 protein and 2 snacks of 9 carb/7 protein. Your numbers will be higher due to your age/weight/gender, but once you have those numbers it is really easy to see what you can eat.

It's a lifestyle change that I had to accept if I wanted to get and keep the poundage off. For about 2 weeks I had a carb withdraw headache, but after that I was good to go. It's not a low carb thing either-- you will get enough carbs to be able to work out etc like runners need to.

Anyway, I see what you're eating and while counting calories might be the best thing for you, I think it is really hard and for me it never worked and was very discouraging. I was much more successful following the Zone and I've kept the weight off going on 3 years now. And trust me, I eat. I am not one of those carrot stick sort of people!

Anyway, you can tell me to shut it and I'll understand :) I just thought I'd ask b/c nothing worked for me before, but the Zone really has.