Thursday, April 03, 2008


Weight: 257.75

Thank god I survived last night! I ALMOST fell-off the wagon. At 11pm we were dispatched to an EMS call. During the entire call I had an "empty" feeling in my stomach and true hunger pangs. It was a challenge to stay clear of food, but I DID IT!!!

1-banana, 16-oz spicy V-8. (175) vitamin.

Took Lulu for a 30-minute walk/4-minute run on the greenbelts. Walk pace 16:51 and run pace 11:19.

Mountain biked 32-minutes. Covered 5.5 miles with an average pace of 10.3 mph. Felt good, so I pushed the effort level.

2-peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 4-slices wheat bread, 2-tbsp peanut butter, and 2-tbsp strawberry jelly. (590)

Lower body work-out:
3 x 12 sitting toe lift
3 x 10 squat to bench 15#
3 x 10 forward leg raise
3 x 10 leg extension 25#
3 x 10 hamstring curl #20
3 x 12 standing tow raise 20#
3 x 10 side leg lift
3 x 10 inner leg lift
3 x 20 sec. Knee stability balance
3 x 12 toe-in stretch
3 x 12 toe-out stretch

Subway 12-inch sandwich. Wheat bread, spinach, tomato's, banana peppers, and salt/pepper. (620). An hour later.... Rice roni, 1-tbsp olive oil (595)

Erin and I can't seem to talk anymore without getting into an argument. I wish things were different. Its hard enough dealing with the departure of my wife, but what I find even more difficult... I miss my friend. There's so much on my mind, but I can't bring myself to writing it down.

9pm snack:
1-bag SMART popcorn (120), which makes todays grand total 2100.

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