Sunday, April 20, 2008


Weight: 249.75

I'm at work today. No weight loss in 3-days. Haven't been getting much sleep, so it's time to fix this problem. Hopefully I'll see a loss tomorrow.

Woo-hoo, I have 2-readers! Thanks Vic and Lou... I always appreciate comments on my blog!!!

1/2-cup oatmeal, 1-tbsp sugar, 1-tbsp butter, and walnuts (450)

(mushroom chicken) 1.5 cups rice, 9-oz chicken breast, 10-oz mushrooms, 1-medium onion, and 3-tbsp hoisin sauce (987)

John Karshner joined me for my walk-run. We walked 0.98 miles in 16:02 and we ran 1.31 miles in 14:01 (10:44 pace). I've noticed my pace is getting a tiny bit faster. I have no big concern for faster pace at this point, but it is nice to see it improve.

Lower-body workout:
3 x 15 sitting toe lift
3 x 10 squat to bench 20#
3 x 10 forward leg raise
3 x 10 leg extension 35#
3 x 10 hamstring curl 25#
3 x 15 standing tow raise 25#
3 x 10 side leg lift
3 x 10 inner leg lift
3 x 12 toe-in stretch
3 x 12 toe-out stretch

Pineapple/banana smoothie and pumpkin karshi bar(464)

Total calories for the day: 1,901. The smoothie was a poor choice for dinner. I'm hungry and have no food to eat.

Time to go to bed.


Steve Bezner said...

I started lurking the other day when I noticed an update; so I thought I'd make myself known. I'm glad to see those number going south again.

I eat fast food quite a bit as there are some excellent salad selections. I might suggest the Whataburger crispy salad with shredded cheese.

Congrats on sub 250!

Sarah said...

Yet another lurker here! You're on my RSS reader, so as soon as you updated I saw it. Glad to see you back and blogging.