Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Running Pays

Weight: 246.0

I'm at work, so this will be relatively short. I LOVE these cool nights/mornings!

2-flour tortillas, 1-VERY small potato, 3-eggs (438)

Large bag of frozen mixed vegetables, 7-oz chicken breast, and soy sauce (456)

Mini cliff bar (100)

4-oz orange roughy fish, 2-tortillas, and 2-medium zucchinis cooked in a can of Rotel tomatoes (387)

Walked 0.51 miles around the fire station in 7:58 (15:29 pace). Ran 2.01 miles in 22:23 (11:07 pace). Broke two-miles for the first time tonight. Actually... today's run was suppose to be 22-minutes, but I was so close, there was no way I would allow myself to stop.

Frequently, I see small change on the road, yet I seldom stop to pick up anything smaller than a nickel. Today I hit the jackpot and found a 5-dollar bill. Very cool!!!

Mid-body workout. Just kinda went through the motions. Blah...
3 x 15 crunches
3 x 10 side bends 20#
3 x 10 dumbbell press 35#
3 x 10 dumbbell flyes 12#
3 x 10 incline press 25#
3 x 10 dumbbell roll 20#
3 x 10 upright rowing 15#
3 x 10 dead lift 25#

Quesadilla: 2-tortillas and cheese (310) Thankfully, I'm almost out of those damn tortillas. Why do they have to taste so fuckin' good? Who knew a pack of 25 would last this long!

Total calories for the day, 2,041
That's it. Not much else to report.

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