Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Help Needed

Weight: 258.0

I'm at work today, so this will be a short entry.

Last night I tossed and turned well past mid-night before falling asleep. By the time the alarm went off at 6am, I had only slept about 5-6 hours. Now, my neck hurts as a result of "sleeping wrong".

1-cup kashi cereal, 1-cup skim milk, and 1-banana. (375) Forgot my vitamin this morning

Lunch was another over-sized meal meant to be divided between lunch and dinner. Ingredients included:
4-medium size potato's, small can tomato sauce, 1-can rotel, 1-can red kidney beans, and 1-lb turkey. Seasonings to taste. (1483!)

Essentially the meal was turkey chili. I added potato's to make it a bit more hearty and as a result I added quite a few calories (338). There was a big difference in todays meal, as it was very tasty. For lunch I ate a bit more than half.

At 3pm, we all went to Sam's Club to pick up station supplies. On one end of the store, near the food, they have what we have labeled "tasters aisle". Most days, like today you will find 4-6 carts with people handing out samples of their products. Normally, we hit all them and some twice! I ate one small pizza-like snack. It was bread, cheese, and marinara sauce. I asked the associate if I could see the box. The nutritional label showed there were 120 calories for a serving of two.... so , I ate 60 calories in about, oh... 2-bites. I'm okay with the calories. The pizza bite was good and I didn't feel isolated by not indulging in the food. I was proud I only had one snack.

The worst part of eating the pizza snack was it made me hungry. Not sure if it was mental or bonafide hunger pangs. Either way, I found myself obsessing about food for the next 2-hours. When we got back to the station I ate a large red apple for a snack, which knocked the edge off the hunger (110). A short time later I occupied myself with a 30 minute ride on the recumbent bike. Level 4 (of 16) with an average speed of 14.8mph. The bike ride was followed by a mid-body workout:
3 x 14 crunches
3 x 10 side bends 15#
3 x 10 dumbbell press 30#
3 x 10 dumbbell flyes 10#
3 x 10 incline press 20#
3 x 10 dumbbell roll 15#
3 x 10 upright rowing 10#
3 x 10 dead lift 20#

Afterwards I ate the remaining turkey chili, which didn't "feel" like enough food. All was well until the crew wanted to go to Burger King. I decided to stay in the pumper. The guys felt bad for me, so they got their orders to go. The smell of the food instantly triggered me to want to eat. I am seriously struggling right now. If that isn't bad enough, one of the guys made fresh chocolate chip cookies. Now the entire station smells like cookies. I'm chewing a piece of gum like a CRAZY-MAN, hoping I to have the will power to stay clear of any food tonight. Might be a good idea to hit the sack and get some extra sleep. No extra calories, because like all the other days I went just a few over (total 2028).

From this point forward my official maximum daily calories is 2100. Wow, look at me being flexible. When I'm "dieting" I usually have a serious case of OCD and feel like a failure if a break the "rules", when if by a single calorie...

... wish me luck surving the night!

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