Sunday, April 06, 2008


Weight: Unknown (no scale at work)

1/2-cup oatmeal, 1-tbsp sugar, 1-tbsp butter, and walnuts (460)

Snack: Banana (105)

4-oz turkey cutlet, 3/4-cup wheat pasta, 1/2-can cream of chicken soup, 1-medium size bag of veggies (potato's, carrots, red bell peppers, corn, broccoli), and salt/pepper to taste (710)

Mid-body weight training preceded by walk/run.
3 x 14 crunches
3 x 10 side bends 15#
3 x 10 dumbbell press 30#
3 x 10 dumbbell flyes 10#
3 x 10 incline press 20#
3 x 10 dumbbell roll 15#
3 x 10 upright rowing 10#
3 x 10 dead lift 20#

25-minute walk with a 5-minute run thrown in. Walk pace ~17:20 min/mile. Run pace; 9:52. I recruited four other guys to walk with me, so the run was quicker than my usual pace.

1-cup skim milk and 1-Sweet & Salty granola bar (240)

Uneventful day. Although... it's always nice to get in a workout at work. Almost feels like I am getting paid to exercise. I picked a poor time for the walk/run... at 2pm, it was hot outside. In the weight room there was a feeling that I was merely going through the motions. Next week I'll start increasing the weights.

4-slices wheat bread, 2-slices turkey, and 2-tbsp light mayo (546)
Total calories for the day, 2051.

I'll be glad when I'm done with the detox/cleanse. The powder-mixture drink is HORRIBLE tasting. For some reason I am still not falling asleep when I go to bed. Not sure what the trouble is, but it sure is frustrating. With any luck I will get a good nights sleep. Tomorrow is likely to be a stressful day. Today is probably the last day I can say I was married to my wife, Erin. And that makes me sad.

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