Saturday, April 26, 2008

First Month

Weight: 249.0
Percentage of Fat: 31.4%
Fat Mass Weight: 78.5 lbs

Mixed emotions about today's weight. On one hand I lost a mere 3/4 pound on the scale this week, but on the other hand, my percentage of body fat and fat mass dropped. My overall percentage dropped 1.3%, which is good for one week. Today was the completion of the first month. Here are the numbers since I started:
263.25lbs, 33.9%, 89.0lbs
256.50lbs, 33.3%, 85.5lbs
254.25lbs, 33.2%, 84.5lbs
249.75lbs, 32.7%, 81.5lbs
249.00lbs, 31.4%, 78.5lbs

I'm at work. I'm finding it a challenge to stay the course right now. Erin "picked a fight" with me this morning while getting the kids. My "usual" response is to eat, I've been telling myself all morning... "I'm stronger than these stupid emotions". So far, I'm doing okay. I just don't understand her and some of her decisions & comments. Enough said.

Thought I had lost my old readers, but here they are again. Thanks for all the great comments. Keep the comments coming, I really enjoy feedback/advice!!! Thanks; Rick, Cassie, Disco, Steeeve, Vic, Sarah, and Lou.

1/2-cup oatmeal, 1-tbsp butter, 1-tbsp sugar, and walnuts (450)

Chili; 6-oz potato, 1-can rotel, 1-can kidney beans, 2-small cans tomato sauce , 9-oz extra lean ground beef, and 1.5-cups white rice (1509)

Made enough for 2-meals.

Ate dinner early (other half of chili).

John Karshner and I walked 1.20 miles in 20:03. We ran 0.95 miles in 10:02. Average pace 10:35. Even though it was only ten minutes, it was a tough run. Not sure why.

Mid-body workout went very easy. Go figure.
3 x 15 crunches
3 x 10 side bends 20#
3 x 10 dumbbell press 35#
3 x 10 dumbbell flyes 12#
3 x 10 incline press 25#
3 x 10 dumbbell roll 20#
3 x 10 upright rowing 15#
3 x 10 dead lift 25#

2-slices wheat bread and 1-slice turkey (166)

Total calories for the day; 2125. Due to miscalculations I went over by 26 calories. Something is wrong with my diet. I'm always hungry. I've taken notice that I HAVE NOT been eating vegetables, so I will try to improve on that.


Pony and Petey said...

I'm here too, Bill! I'm THRILLED that you're back to blogging again and on track with eating and exercising.

Might we see you at the Astros 5k next month??? I haven't been doing much racing but I'm planning on that one.

I'll probably be disappointed to see how slow I've gotten but the free ticket to the ball game will be worth it = )

Lou Thrash said...

Keep up the good work Bill, remember this is not a diet -- it has to be a lifestyle change you can live with forever. Make it easy not a chore. Add TONS of water, veggies, fruits (especially berries and melons) and high fiber foods like beans, raw pumpkin seeds etc (don't worry your body will adjust after a while). If you can live with out cheese, butter and white/refined breads you'll have an easier time -- they are enemy. you'll be surprised how you can change your taste buds away from those and substitute pepper, vinegar, mustard and other totally non fat condiments (cinnimon) to spice up flavors. Hope to see you on the trail soon. LOU

Crosstrain said...

Hey Bill, that is some serious weight loss in one month, congratulations. Having gone vegetarian in early May, I echo Lou's advice.

Humble Runner said...

Welcome Pony and Joe C.

Yes, I plan on running the Astros 5k!! I had a time goal, but Coach Steeve convinced me to worry less about my time and more about finishing.

Google 15 is free, but one drawback is that it does NOT store anything over 2-weeks (or so). Here is the link:

Joe, you are hard-core and it shows with your INCREDIBLE weight loss. I like meat way too much to cut it out of my diet... wish I had the will power, but I know it would not last long.