Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Biggest Loser

Weight: 250.25

Another 0.50 pounds this week and I will be under 250!

I'm very tired. Preston is not sleeping much and I've been up with him every night for 4-days. The lack of sleep is taking its toll on me.

The Biggest Loser finale was last night. Its AMAZING how much you can transform the human body in 6-months. It was very obvious the producers were pushing for a woman winner this season and they got their wish... Congrats to Ally!

Biked 6.7 miles in 41:26 (9.75mph). No energy today. Probably has something to do with exercising before breakfast and minimal sleep.

I need to change something in my workouts. When I exercise it has always been my time to de-stress and think about the things in my life. Usually this is enjoyable, but all I do now is think about Erin. My heart is heavy with thoughts of her. No matter how un-fair I think her leaving me was, I still can't purge her from my system. I suppose that is what you call undeniable love for a woman! For the last few days I've been using my ipod, but it doesn't help. All my thoughts are of Erin.

1/2-cup oatmeal, 1-tbsp sugar, 1-tbsp butter, and walnuts (450)

Rice Pilaf, 2-tbsp butter, and ~7-oz chicken breast (871)

1-avocado, 4-slices of bread, 4-slices (thin) turkey, and 2-tbsp of light mayo (744)

Total calories for the day; 2065. I'm skipping my lower-body workout and doing it tomorrow. I'm too tired to do anything else today.

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