Saturday, July 01, 2006

Victory is Mine!

I. am. tired. (check back later for 2-pictures I have for this post, they are not uploading for some reason)

I did it, my first half-marathon distance. The Texas heat was rather wimpy, but the humidity put up a good fight. The battle was all mine for the first 8-miles. Some how I maintained a low ten-minute pace inside the Little Bear Park. I was being a little too cocky, as I found myself wondering if I could run a sub-2 hour 1/2 marathon in the fall. I guess that is when the humidity sucker punched me. Miles 8-10 were uncomfortable, but not problematic enough to abandon the schedule. At the ten mile mark I feel apart. I might as well been laying on the trail, letting the heat and humidity kick me in the head. My only response was some visualization and affirmation tricks. Who knows if they work, I just wanted to keep my head straight and continue running. I'm thankful the route was an out-and-back, because I would not have finished, had I seen my truck. From mile 10 thru 13.1 I took a "walk-break" every 0.75 mile. I kept the walk-breaks short, usually less than 50 yards. The problem arouse when I arrived at the starting point and my Garmin 205 only read 12.40 miles. That's when I got a small, VERY small second wind and finished the remaining 0.70 mile. In my books, I put this run down as a victory for Bill. The remaining Strider's might disagree after considering my finishing appearance. At the end, I had a severe case of battle fatigue. I had a splitting headache, I was nauseated, light-headed, and every muscle below my waist-line hurt.

Some how I composed enough energy to met the Striders for breakfast at Sandy's. I felt lousy and didn't want to go, but now I am glad I did. I wasn't able to eat due to the nausea, but the company and conversations were first class! The entire time I tried to present myself as strong and ready for another run. What they saw was a pooped, wanta-be runner. Next time, I'll try harder with the, "I'm not tired" act. My act was a "D-" at best. I'll admit, I enjoyed their sympathy. Just kidding!

The route was great. We ran the first half though the Little Bear park and the second half at Cullen Park. We saw tons of wildlife. At breakfast, Bessie took an inventory of our sightings, which included: one hog, numerous deer, a few rabbits, two wood ducks, tons of squirrels, one copperhead snake, a dead raccoon, and one "elusive" Yoder sighting.

Now that I'm home and feeling better I am pumped about my first half-marathon distance! Unfortunately, I'm home alone and it's no fun telling our dog Clifford about my run, though he did wag his tail in awe of my passion for running. Being so excited I considered gathering some wigs and leaves and making myself a laurel wreath to wear for the day. I decided not too, because you and I both know the dog would laugh at me.

Activity: Long Run
Mileage: 13.1 miles
Time: 2:18:07 -- 10:33 per mile pace
Splits (left to right):
10:18, 09:52, 10:01, 10:01
10:07, 10:05, 10:05, 09:43
10:15, 10:35, 11:04, 13:30
11:22, 01:10 (0.1 mile)
Location: Cullen park/Little Bear Park
How I Felt: 8.5 - overall

Yesterday's long run preparation helped. I had very little shin pain today. My asics 2110 have about 350+ miles on them and as a precaution, I treated myself to a new pair of shoes from Fleet Feet. The new addition: Asics Gel-Landreth. As an added bonus, they had "Strider" yellow in stock.


SRR said...

YAY!! Good for you! Great splits and final times!

teacherwoman said...

Way to go on your half marathon! Fun times! Sorry about the heat and humidity!

Anonymous said...



equarles said...

Cool. Congrats on finishing that distance.

Steve Bezner said...

It was great to be on site to watch your distance PR! WTG Bill! I look forward to your progress as SMART gears up!

Great Job!

Unknown said...

Bill, you are a god (pls note the lower case "g"). WTG, bro!! What a great run. Awesome times and way to gut it out at the end. Proud of you, buddy! You're my hero.

TX Runner Mom said...

WTG! Congrats on sticking it out throught this nasty heat and humidity and finishing your 1/2 marathon distance!!!!