Sunday, July 30, 2006

What's Your Excuse?

Most people get a high from positive factors in their life. Take me for example. Every time I see something I like, such as a low body weight, it creates a snowball effect of more positive factors. It's easy to get excited when things are going good. But, what do you do when things are not going good? My solution: Do the total opposite and don't let the bad things ruin the day. Yesterdays run sucked, the "scale" read a few extra pounds this morning, and I've been rather tired. Today I refused to let the bad things become an obstacle and create MORE NEGATIVE FACTORS. With that said, here is a run down of my day.

With my daughter at her grandmothers house for the week (Austin, TX), my bride and I loaded our mountain bikes and drove to near-by Duesen Park. Erin and I had an enjoyable 10 mile bike ride around the park, which borders the South end of Lake Houston. Once we got back home I took a mid-afternoon nap and caught up on some much needed sleep. Refreshed from the afternoon nap I started reading a few running publications, which hit the mailbox this week.

All this lead up to this evening's run. The schedule called for 5 easy miles. In a prior post I talked about the fading 10 minute miles. Well, I'm going to take it a step further and say I'm a 9:30 mile runner... when the distance is less than 10 miles. At least a dozen times tonight, I forced myself to slow down and run EASY. As you can see from the numbers below, easy equaled a 9:36 pace. With tons of left over energy I picked up the mile I left at Cullen Park yesterday for a grand total of 6 miles.

Needless to say, it was a good day, because I MADE it a good day.

Activity: Bike
Time: 52:44
Mileage: 10.02 miles
Location: Duesen Park
How I Felt: 10

Activity: Easy Run
Mileage: 6 miles
Time: 57:33 -- 9:36 pace
9:56, 9:34, 9:31, 9:38, 9:31, 9:23
Location: Woodland Pines Subdivision
How I Felt: 10


NuttersNotes said...

Keep up the good work! My excuse? I had a foot go out on me. Arthritis where the big toe meets the foot ended my marathon days....I ran one in 2:39 about 20 pounds ago (hey, it used to be 40 pounds ago).

While I didn't have access to daily equipment to measure body fat and fat mass weight, I did keep logs....and I still have them 20+ years later. They are a wonderful thing to go back and look at occasionally.

I have 114.92 hours logged on the excercycle and elliptical machine at the gym this year....that has to count for something, doesn't it???


Steve Bezner said...

Nice run!

You hit it right on the head, when you fall off you get right back on and ride (run)like hell. Seeya Tuesday.

Ms Eva said...

9:30 min mile - great job!

Your bad day made good reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, "Attitude determines your altitude." :)

TX Runner Mom said...

I completely's all about how we look at things. It took me a long time to realize that I am in complete control of whether I have a good or bad day.

Unknown said...

Good words of wisdom, oh wise one!!