Monday, July 17, 2006

Week in Review ending 07/16/06

Body Weight: 202.25

This number is rather suspicious. I finished 10 miles at 11pm last night and hit the scale at 6am, so I'm sure much of this loss is water weight. Still nice to see such a low number.

Body Fat: 23.5%
Fat Mass Weight: 47.5 pounds

I just barely got under the 3k mark for this weeks average calories. All went well. Like the two prior weeks, there were a couple high days, offset by a couple low days. This week I'm scheduled for 37 mile's. I "PLAN" to stay under a weekly average of 2900 calories. If all goes well I will reach my goal of 199 before August the first.

Calories: 2997
Fat: 81 grams
Carbs: 417 grams
Protein: 145 grams

Weekly Mileage: 34. 43 miles

My weekly mileage may seem odd this week, because I'm re-working my running log to match the SMART running schedule. Currently I log Monday-Sunday. The SMART schedule is Sunday-Saturday. Hopefully this will take out some of the confusion.

My training schedule calls for 4 miles today. I'll have to do them in the heat at work.


Anonymous said...

Hey Skinny,

Thanks for posting the RRCA Run@Work banner. We're going to do something fun on the day, just haven't decided what yet.


SRR said...

Suspicious? NONSENSE!!! You are working hard and it's paying off, compliments of the scale. :-)

TX Runner Mom said...

Wow, it sounds like you are doing great. Keep it up!