Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Fantastic Run!

I've been afraid to admit it, but several of my prior runs have not been pleasurable. I blamed the heat, I blamed the additional mileage, well I blamed everything I could think of, but whatever it is the runs have not been gratifying.

All this changed with a single run. Tonight's run energized my soul.

While looking over my prior runs I only found two miles that were under ten minutes, since July 2nd. I can honestly say, "I'm OK with that". But, just when I think I have this running thing figured out, I have one of these really great days.

Of course, the run was with the Striders, who always bring out the best in me. A combination of stretching, proper hydration, and the group run environment paid off big with an impressive 9:09 overall pace for 5.2 miles.

This was the first occasion in a long time that the left shin was completely free of discomfort. The pace felt comfortable and I was running a "seven" on a scale of 1-10. So, there was a lot left in the tank. Near the end, I asked Lisa to "talk to me", because the heat was playing mental games on me, making me feel the false need to walk. She obliged and took it a step further with a sub-9 minute pace for the last half mile. The recovery was quick. Looking back I wish I had added a mile to the end. These utopia runs don't happen often for me, so I need to take advantage when I experience one.

The post run gathering at Beck's Prime was great. I always love listening to the passion that accomplished runners have about the sport. Tonight's Beck superstar crew included Coach Steeve, Matt, Bessie, and Lee.

Activity: Group Run
Mileage: 5.20 miles
Time: 47:41 -- 9:09 pace
1:44 (0.20 mile)
Location: Memorial Park
How I Felt: 10


Anonymous said...

Bill, reading your blogs is becoming a part of our running ritual!!!! A 9:09pace is just SUPER! You hammered tonight, woohoo!!!!!
Mr. and Mrs. D. Boone

Anonymous said...

William rocks! Mr. and Mrs. D. Boone rock! Continued excellent crowds at Memorial Park every Wednesday, lots of newbies, it is all good.


Unknown said...

Nice run.
Your word verification word says it all - glogdsbq.


Unknown said...

Man, that's a great post. I really love it!!! You are the man. You rock. (So do the Boone's, ok). Keep inspiring me, please!!!

Jessica, a Austin Runner AND triathlete said...

i am really happy for you and can't wait to join you guys out for more runs. this injury is kicking my butt, but i'll be back before you know it!