Tuesday, July 25, 2006

13 x 30/30 @ 1-mile pace

Those 30/30's are getting tough. I jogged the first three recovery periods, but was reduced to a walk on the remaining recoveries. I was scheduled for 12 x 30/30. Feeling frustrated about all the walking I added an extra "30" at full sprint.

The 2-mile warm up and 2-mile cool down was uneventful. Earlier today I did a total body workout.

Activity: Speed work
Mileage: 5.61 miles
Time: 51:45 -- overall pace 9:13
Warm up, 2.04 miles -- 19:35
13 x 30/30 at 1-mile race pace effort - pace 8:15
-Covered 1.52 miles in 12:33, time includes walking ten recoveries
Cool down, 2.05 miles -- 19:37
Location: Woodland Pines Subdivision
How I Felt: 8.5

Activity: Weight Training
Body Region: Upper, lower and mid-body
Time: 1.5 hours
Location: Home Gym
How I Felt: 9


TX Runner Mom said...

It's stikining hot, I think it's okay to walk on the recoveries every now and then! Keep up the good work..if I ever get the shin and knee to cooperate, I will do some speedwork too!

Steve Bezner said...

Nice workout!

I need to do more speedwork myself.

Anonymous said...

Yo Tex,

That is a fine result, you should be pleased.

Important to remember that if you try to nail, really NAIL, every quality workout (and you should), you're going to come up short on occasion. If you don't, you're not really trying to nail 'em. I budget for a couple of really crappy workouts each season and it doesn't bother me a bit when they happen. Take last night. Yes, it was cool but still way humid, and I overreached, and, and, well, let's not go there.


Ms Eva said...

not wanting to sound ignorant, but i have to ask, what is a 30/30 ??