Friday, May 23, 2008

Wrong Way!

Weight: 239.25
RMR: -2,728

I did it again. URRG. Deficit mode week has been a complete disaster. Lesson learned. Yesterday I was hungry all day with legitimate hunger pangs. No activity on deficit day only allows me to consume ~1,700 calories. As I sit here analyzing the day, it is easy to see all the mistakes made. First, my water intake this entire week has been crappy. That's the first thing I need to address. The second thing is, I'm allowing myself to get too hungry, which leads to poor eating decisions and binges. Yesterday I made it till 9pm, then the switch was flipped and I simply went stupid. I have no idea the amount of calories, nor do I care to try and count them at this point. I guess the scale says it all. Looks like I will have my first weekly weigh-in GAIN. I hope I am able to learn from this.

I was sick as a dog afterwards. Felt so bad I wanted to puke... not "purge" puke, rather, "I'm not able to stop the nausea" type sickness. I never lost it, although I wish I had to get that crap out of my body. Its hard for me to talk about these moments, because it is so embarrassing. I want it out there and hopefully the comments won't be too critical. I'll try to get back on the wagon and learn. I need to continue exploring what was so different this week and why it sent me spiralling out of control. Deficit week is officially over. I'm going back to what was working over the prior weeks.

Breakfast: 270
Snack: 150
Late lunch: 945
Dinner: 720
Snack: 510

Bike: 11.45 miles. 1:06:07 (10.39 mph)
Lower-body workout
Upper-body workout
Run: 2.68 miles in 30: 01 (11:12 pace)
Walk: 0.63 miles in 10:30 (16:40 pace)

My legs are still sore. They don't want to move... maybe they need more than one-day off. It was hard to stay motivated on the bike, but I got it done. The run went okay, but I as I sit here something is wrong, very wrong. During the first 100 yards of my run my back starting spasming, yet I elected to keep running. About a mile into the session, my back was no longer an issue and I was proud of myself for pushing through the pain. Unfortunately, I'm in horrible pain right now....

Total calories: 2,325

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