Sunday, May 11, 2008

Easy 20-minutes

Weight: 242.0

Right on schedule, there's the "free-meal" weight gain.

At work today.

3-eggs, 3-oz ground turkey, jalapenos, and 1-slice cheddar cheese (425) I'm getting better at making these omelets.

Turkey sandwich on sour dough bread and jalapeno chips (725)

1-cup brown rice, 1-can pinto beans, 1-can rotel, 6-oz ground turkey (950)

Easy lower body workout:
3 x 15 sitting toe lift
3 x 10 squat to bench 20#
3 x 10 forward leg raise
3 x 10 leg extension 40#
3 x 10 hamstring curl 35#
3 x 15 standing tow raise 30#
3 x 10 side leg lift
3 x 10 inner leg lift
3 x 12 toe-in stretch
3 x 12 toe-out stretch

Walked 0.64 miles in 10:13 (~15:55 pace). Ran 1.84 miles in 10:03 (10:55 pace). The run itself felt great, but I keep getting those damn side stitches. I could have gone a lot further, but this is a recovery week. I stayed true to the schedule and only ran 20 minutes-walk 10 minutes.

Total calories for the day: 2,100. Odd to have 2-days in the same week with EXACTLY 2,100 calories.

1 comment:

Lou Thrash said...

Still reading...Keep it up, you're doing awesome! The pictures of your children are should be proud as I'm sure you are. Keep up the water and fiber foods...your body will love you for it! :)