Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mindless Numbers

Weight: 239.25
RMR: -2,728

As much as I look forward to my "free-meal", I always hate seeing 2-days worth of weight gain. I'd like to do away with the free-meal, but I truly think it is what keeps me motivated when I want to binge. I tell myself it's only "X-number days" tills I can eat whatever I want. It has worked in the past and it's working now, so I won't be changing anything for awhile.

Afraid I might be getting sick.. my throat has been sore since last night...

Breakfast: +500
Lunch: +820
Snack: +600
Dinner: +680
Feels like I have been eating all day. My usual diet plan restricts me to a maximum of 2,100 calories, but as you can see, I consumed 2,600 calories and I still have a significant deficit. There again, I did nearly 2-hours of exercise....

Bike: 9.58 miles. 50.38 (11.44 mph) -579
Walk: 0.64 mile. 10:05 (15:45 pace)
Run: 2.68 miles. 30:01 (11:12 pace) -579
Lulu and I tried to wait out the heat. At 7:45pm we left the house and it was still 84 degrees. The heat didn't seem to matter... it would appear the planets have aligned or something, because this was another really good run. I'm loving this!

Lower-body workout: -81
3 x 15 sitting toe lift
3 x 10 squat to bench 20#
3 x 10 forward leg raise
3 x 10 leg extension 40#
3 x 10 hamstring curl 35#
3 x 15 standing tow raise 30#
3 x 10 side leg lift
3 x 10 inner leg lift
3 x 20 sec. Knee stability balance
3 x 12 toe-in stretch
3 x 12 toe-out stretch

Isn't it odd that both the bike and the run came out to the EXACT same amount of calories burned? I couldn't do that again, if I tried.

Total deficit for the day: -1,367

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