Thursday, May 29, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Weight: 239.25 (239.7)

At work today.

Glad to be back under 240. A friend of mine is a nurse and I've been a paramedic for 14-years. All the medical knowledge locked in my head doesn't always help me with my own personal health issues. In a text-message I received yesterday, I got the answers to my "issues", which I discussed earlier this week. The text read:
Muscle Relaxer = Muscle Relaxer (all muscles...) which includes the stomach and intestines.... unfortunately.
Since I'm back at work I had to discontinue the flexeril. It will be interesting to see if everything returns to normal.

Breakfast: 430
Lunch: 1,065
Dinner: 600

Run: 2.57 miles. 30.01 (11:41 pace)
Walk: 0.46 miles. 7:35 (16:19 pace)
Recumbent bike: 18.1 miles. 1:10:00 (15.5 mph)
Upper-body workout

Pre-work (morning) run went pretty good. Lots of stretching before and after. Took a new route along the roads, due to lack of light. The upper-body workout seemed tougher than usual. The stationary bike was okay, but 70-minutes is a long time to pedal and go NO WHERE.

Getting hungry. Time for bed!

Total calories: 2,095

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