Friday, May 30, 2008

Meatless Fridays?

Weight: 236.25 (238.7)

Today is an off-day; no exercise. I've decided off-days will also be meatless. As I look over my dietary logs it is obvious that I am eating excessive amounts of protein. It would be a huge challenge for me to cut-out meat all together, but I'm sure I could live without it for a day... or maybe two. I decided this late today, so I guess it will start next week!?!?!

Breakfast: 190
Lunch: 740
Dinner: 828
Snack: 290

I always have something nagging in my body. ANOTHER small ache I have not mentioned before started out as a discomfort on the lateral dorsal aspect of my left foot. I don't see any bruising, nor does it hurt to touch, but it bothers me when it's in flextion-extension. In other words, it hurts on the top, outside of my left foot when I take a step. This "little issue" has quickly turned into a sharp pain over the last couple days.

Total calories: 2,048

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