Saturday, May 10, 2008

Back Pain

Weight: 240.0
Percentage of Fat: 30.8%
Fat Mass Weight: 74.0 lbs

The last minute push helped, but it wasn't quite enough. I'm still a quarter-pound short of seeing something in the 230's. And with my free-meal, it's unlikely I will see the next milestone for a few days.

I'm still extremely excited about my progress. I've lost 23.25 pounds in 6-weeks, which equates to 0.55 lbs/day.

I'm not setting any goals or expectations for this week. I'll continue doing what I have been, which is to consume less than 2,100 calories per day. Next week, I want to go at it hard. I'm CONSIDERING what I've done in the past. If I decide to do it, I'll monitor my total daily deficit. My usual goal is a deficit between -500 to -1000.

I'm a nerd for useless numbers, but it's what keeps me motivated. Below is the weekly averages for the last 6-weeks:

Fig Newton bar (200)

For the last few days my back has been bothering me. It's worse in the morning. I've been popping ibuprofen and stretching to keep it from getting any worst. May sound hard to believe, but it always feels better after my run, which is opposite from my past experiences with back pain and running.

Pushed the kids in the stroller. We walked 1.0 mile in 16:01 (16:01 pace). Ran 1.33 miles in 14:04 (10:35 pace). Decent run... nothing much to report.

Mid-body workout felt really good.
3 x 16 crunches
3 x 10 side bends 25#
3 x 10 dumbbell press 35#
3 x 10 dumbbell flyes 15#
3 x 10 incline press 25#
3 x 10 dumbbell roll 20#
3 x 10 upright rowing 15#
3 x 10 dead lift 25#

"Free-meal" at Tauqeria Arandas. 1/3 basket of chips and salsa. Chicken/shrimp fajitas, flour tortillas, 1.5-cups Spanish rice, lettuce, and tomato.

Dinner; pizza pockets. I'm not actively buying this stuff, it's just junk still lingering around the frig and pantry. Before anyone comments, I'm to frugal to throw it out!

Total calories for the day, 1,400... minus the free-meal.

1 comment:

K said...

Keep doing what you are doing! Your sub 240 is a day away! I wish I could drop 2 lbs in a few days. It just doesn't happen for me. I think once I am training with more miles and in the heat my weight will move, but right now 125 is my sticking point.

Enjoying your blog!