Saturday, May 24, 2008

Week from Hell

Weight: 237.25
Percentage of Fat: 29.6%
Fat Mass Weight: 70.5 lbs

I gained a pound this week. Its hard to accept this, knowing I worked so hard. Although, one could see that my body fat percentage and fat mass weight decreased as a move in the right direction.

The bigger issue is my back. It's officially "out". I stopped being mobile shortly after yesterdays blog post. It's hard to walk around, much less exercise. The only reason I am sitting here right now is cause I'm doped up on muscle relaxers and strong anti-imflamatories.

A friend helped me to the Minor Emergency Care this morning. I got a shot in my ass and a couple medications, as stated above. It still hurts like hell, but at least I'm able to move around my house.

Obviously, no exercising this weekend. This is my weekend to have my kids, so I'm missing that as well and that upsets me. To make matters worse, Erin doesn't believe me and she is mad at me. I'm going to try to read all weekend and get my mind off the pain/kids/exercise and do a re-evaluation on Monday.

I made it to the garage for my weekly weigh-in, but don't expect much blogging for a couple days. Sitting in this chair is not back-spasm friendly.

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