Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Good Food

Weight: 235.5
RMR: -2,705

At work today.

Pre-run snack: +200

Breakfast: +468
Lunch: +1150

Snack: +150
Dinner: +930

Run: 2.19 miles. 25:05 (11:27 pace) -404
Walk: 0.64 mile. 10.39 (16:38 pace) -74
Walk #2: 2.65 miles. 41:48 -335
Mid-body workout: -80

I must be getting old. My bones and muscles ache during the first mile of a morning run. Its nice to be done early, but its rough waking up and getting the first mile under my belt.

Update on my back: It still aches in the morning and just before bed. Ibuprofen seems to do the trick, but I'm concerned about the nagging issue. I'm very in tune with my back and I sense it is about to do something I do not like...

Total deficit for the day: -700

Didn't hit a big deficit number today. Several causes for this:
1. Pre-run fig newtons (200 calories)
2. Small snack size granola bar, which I ate for no reason at all (150 calories)
3. Cooked 2-cups of wheat pasta with my lunch which came in at a whopping 630 calories.

Both meals I cooked were different from my usual and VERY delicious, but as you can see... they tipped the scale on the high end.

I don't have the energy to do anything else tonight in order to get the deficit right. Plus I've already showered and I'm ready for bed. I'm done for the day.

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