Thursday, January 25, 2007

Increased weights

Activity: Stationary Bike
Level: 4
Time: 60 minutes
Location: Humble FD gym

Activity: Weight Training
Body Region: Upper
Time: 30 minutes
Location: Humble FD gym

Good, hard workout in the weight room.

I'm getting phantom pains in other parts of my body. W.T.F?

Nothing else worthy of discussion.


Anonymous said...

wheeeew...I was worried that I would see "more blah +2" !!! In life you got to make sure you are always feeling your best on weekends!! Way to turn this puppy around! Well Done!! :)

Anonymous said...

Bill, you only get phantom pains the week before the marathon. Guess that means those pains are real (?)


TX Runner Mom said...

I was going to post something similar to what Steeeve said about the phantom pains before the marathon...not after. Hope they don't appear again!