Saturday, January 20, 2007

I want run

Activity: Stationary Bike
Level: 3
Time: 30 minutes
Location: Home Gym

Today I worked on my taxes. Since I itemize, its an all day ordeal. On the advice of a co-worker, I purchased an ankle wrap. Its seems to help at times. Still expereince occassional pain when I walk. I spent some time on the internet trying to diagnosis my ankle problem. Seems to be a simple ankle sprain. I had no idea the recovery time is so long. Here's one of many articles I found (This one's from Runners World):

A strain is an overstretched or partially torn muscle or tendon; a sprain is an overstretched or partially torn ligament. Care for minor strains or sprains early and you'll be running two to three times sooner than if you delay treatment. Use the R.I.C.E. method (rest, ice, compression, elevation), and take anti-inflammatories for 24 to 48 hours following injury. When you can stand on the injured leg and do several pain-free toe raises, that's a sign that you can start running (slowly) again, says Jayne Snyder, a physical therapist in Lincoln, Nebraska. If pain and swelling last beyond a week, see a sports-medicine specialist.

Definition: Pain and swelling from overstretched ankle ligaments.

Remedies: Treat with ice and anti-inflammatories (see "three basics"). You probably will not be able to run through a sprain, but cross-training is fine. When you can walk without pain, begin a walk/run regimen and progress to steady running. A sprained ankle can take a month or two to heal.


Pony and Petey said...

BUM-MER!! Let's hope it heals faster than they say!


SRR said...

OH NO!!! Taxes! Thanks for reminding me! :-(

Anonymous said...

I get brain strain when I work on my taxes...that usually takes a month or 2 to recover from as well!!

TX Runner Mom said...

Eww, taxes! I need to get started on ours. Hope that ankle heals up quickly, but I'm not suprised that it takes so long. I still can't do push ups and it's been almost 4 months since I pulled my muscle. Take it easy!