Saturday, January 27, 2007


Activity: Run
Mileage: 2.10 miles
Time: 22:12 -- 10:32 pace
10:53, 10:17, 1:01 (0.10 mile)
Location: Kingwood

Activity: Weight Training
Body Region: Lower Body
Time: 30 minutes
Location: Home Gym

The ankle pain seemed to hold steady until mid-week. Then within two days the pain nearly disappeared. I'm glad to be done with that mess. All I need now is a liver transplant for all the ibuprofren I've taken (Grin).

My first run since the marathon. What a great feeling!

Stridelines has a monthly meet the member article. Every month they ask the featured member, "When did you know you were hooked on running" , or something like that. I gave a generic response when asked, but today was that day for me. I know in my heart that running is here to stay. This sport has been good to me and I'll forever be grateful.

While I was running I was think about what kind of post to make. One thing I wanted to do was KEEP IT POSITIVE. Unfortunately, I have to mention one thing. I'm not bitchin'', but this is a training log and I frequently reflect on it. Anyways, my right knee hurt the entire time. The same ole' pain I've had for a couple months. I assumed the time off would have taken care of it too, but I was wrong. Knee pain, no knee pain... I'm just happy to run.


Anonymous said...

Yay!! It's not unusual to take weeks off after a marathon. Know you didn't want to, but you maintained discipline to let yourself heal and kept up the active recovery with crosstraining. Excellent long term approach. However, please continue to monitor yourself and keep it low risk.


SRR said...

I'm happy to run to store for donuts...or hot chocolate.

Pony and Petey said...

WA-HOOOOO!!! So glad you got to run! Man, do I know that "I'm back in it again" feeling and just how wonderful it is. COOL BEANS!
