Wednesday, January 10, 2007

4.5 miles

Activity: Run
Mileage: 4.46 miles
Time: 37:35 -- 8:25 pace
8:58, 8:20, 8:13, 8:14, 3:47 (0.46 mile)
Location: Memorial to Jackson Hill
How I Felt: 10

Of course I have a biased opinion, but I think I ran well today. I joined the Striders Wednesday night group run. The light crowd proves everyone is taking their taper serious. No problem's whatsoever from the knee.


Anonymous said...

Yo Willie, confirmed, you ran gooood.

Chip and Steeeve

TX Runner Mom said...

Jeeze, I guess I need to read the Strider newsletter now that I am one. I didn't know they met tonight...not that I could have kept up. :-) And yes, looks like you had a great run!

Anonymous said...

Yo Christy,

You coulda kept up. Chip hung back with me, I hung back with Bill, Bill hung back with Jessica, Jessica hung back with Christy, Christy hung back with...No, wait. You weren't there. However, we draw a fairly wide range each and every Wednesday, from 3 hour marathoners to 6 hour marathoners. Come on out!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you guys represented last night! I think I was reading a good book during your run!! And thankfully, nothing flared up, and no hammies were pulled getting into my lazy-boy... :)

Unknown said...

Nice run, Bill!!! Looks like we're a go for liftoff.

TX Runner Mom said...

Thanks for the info Bill!!! Maybe next time.