Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Recumbent Bike

Biked to work this morning.

Trail Bike:
6.53 miles
12.64 mph

Ninety minutes on the recumbent bike, without any scenery other than the fire deparment gym is B-O-R-I-N-G!

Recumbent Bike:
23.03 miles
15.35 mph


Pony and Petey said...

Dude...it's been a bit since I've checked your blog. I just have to say that I LOVE your posts and how inspirational they are to me!!!

You are an amazing motivator with all the opportunities you take to get in a workout and how you DON'T QUIT but figure out a way to keep on going, even when everything is telling you to stop.

I don't see how you manage to do so much while missing out on sleep. Thanks for taking the time to post!

Humble Runner said...

Thanks Pony! I can tell by looking at my site counter, not many people visit me anymore.

Two major knee surgeries at beginning of this year didn't leave me much to blog about.

I can truly say, "I'm back". My running and biking is going good, albeit slow. With a little work I get this damn weight off and make life even better!