Tuesday, August 11, 2009


It has been a CRAZY 24 hours and I'm apparently on the bad side of Karma.

Took part of the day off yesterday to be with family. I was at work by 5:30pm and within the first hour we had a house fire. Then we had a few more calls during the night and I didn't see my bed till 4:30am! As I was getting ready to get off work at 8:00am I was held over on mandatory over-time till 11:00am. Came home and went straight to bed. On Tuesday nights (today) I work for Wyatt so he can go to his Civil Air Patrol meeting, therefore I was BACK at work by 5:30pm. On the way there he called and said they were on an EMS call and asked me to relieve him at the hospital. I should have known this was a bad sign.

Started my walk-run workout on the treadmill. Made one EMS call during the run. Ironically, the call was to a local park where a jogger was dizzy. Anyways, when we got back to the station I started again, adding a little extra to my scheduled run. Seven minutes from the end of the final walk I got another call. Wyatt met me on scene and I went to the station to finish my walk and get my stuff.

I know it doesn't seem that hectic reading it on this blog, but it has been a crazy-ass day.

4.51 miles
16:44 pace

3.24 miles
14:00 pace

As for the run, it seemed easy and fun. Wish I could have finished the workout continuously.

I'm attempting to raise money for Houston Marathon's "Run for a Reason" program. I've selected MARATHON KIDS as my official charity recipient. Need to raise a minimum of $350 ASAP. If you can help, even a few dollars... please call or email me.

Marathon Kids® is a free, endurance building running/walking/nutrition & gardening program for K-5th graders. Accepted into public, private and home schools as a free, innovative celebratory fitness program resonating with the child and with the child's family. The child develops the love and habit of moving through space and carries forward the power of muscular, nutritional and psychological well-being.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your Houston Marathon count down clock.