Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Massive Workout

Started the day with a 9.5 mile stroll through the greenbelts on my trail bike. Nice ride and fair weather, what more can you ask for?

Trail Bike:
12.69 mph

I finally convinced myself to get in the gym. I've been posting some big weight loss numbers this week and I want to maintain the weight loss pattern. Nearly two full hours in the gym. This workout was not for the light hearted. I was throwing around some heavy iron. At one point I was standing in one place while drinking water and when I looked down I noticed a massive amount of water beneath me. It took a second to realize it was sweat dripping off me at a CRAZY rate. As I looked around I could see the same puddles of sweat at various other areas where I had been exercising.

It felt good in the gym, but I must confess... I was GLAD to be done.

Weight Training:
Upper, Mid, and Lower body

At 7pm Andrea and I ran 3 miles at East End Park while it was raining! Actually it wasn't "raining", but of a constant drizzle.

My legs are starting to feel heavy. This is my seventh straight day of exercising and I still have one more day till my official rest day. The run went well. We ran intervals; 3 x 1mile/0.25 mile, plus quarter mile warm up and quarter mile cool down. The last interval was tough. Thankfully I had my sexy running partner to keep me moving.

3.0 miles
11:54 pace

17:31 pace

Cardio was 20-minutes short, so we went on a bike ride through Trailwood. Nothing eventful about the ride. A little more traffic than I expected, but we turned on our flashing lights and steamed ahead.

Trail Bike:
4.96 miles
12.04 mph

As soon as I got home I treated myself to a 20-minute cold soak. I have a group bike ride in the morning and a small run tomorrow evening... then RECOVERY DAY!

Bring. it. on.

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