Monday, August 17, 2009


Biked home from work this morning.

Trail Bike:
6.02 miles
12.67 mph

Ran; 3 x 1-mile/half-mile intervals along the greenbelt. Half mile warm up and 0.75 mile cool down. Ran in the heat of the day. Despite the weather, I had a good run. Made a small adjustment to my pace to accommodate the temperature.

I haven't run with Gatorade in my bottle in a long time. Urg... just give me water unless I'm running double digits, I'd much rather chew my calories than drink them!!!

2.23 miles

3.02 miles
12:03 pace

Small bike ride to complete 2-hours of cardio.

Trail Bike:
3.49 miles
11.6 mph

Haven't felt like lifting weights for the last two days. I suppose I'll play "catch-up" tomorrow, which is sure to leave me exhausted.

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