Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bad Math

Biked to work, then rode a few extra miles around town.

Trail Bike:
9.01 miles
11.58 mph

Treadmill walk and run.

3.61 miles
16:48 pace

1.5 miles
13:01 pace

Frustrated with the lack of weight loss this week. I posted great numbers (12.5 hours of cardio which included; run 12 miles, bike 36 miles, walk 24 miles. Also 5 weight lifting sessions). All the math added up, but a decrease in body weight didn't happen. I feel good, but I like to see it validated on the scale. I'm hoping to see some big numbers this week.

It's probably a result of being frustrated, but I'm hungry and struggling with food today. It's nearly 8pm and I'm about to get in bed, which means I'll be able to easily survive the night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yo, Big Loser. I really wish my body would follow my calculator EVERY TIME. But it's a little more complex than that, as you know. Hang in there.