Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Two easy Tuesday runs

My legs were a little sore this morning as a result of Sundays Stepping Stones 10K. After a short 1/4 mile on the treadmill my legs felt great, but I resisted the temptation to push the pace. Here is this mornings easy jog info:

Activity: Run (morning)
Mileage: 2.5 miles
Time: 33:50 minutes
Location: Home - Treadmill
How I felt (1-10): 10

This evening I decided to run the final Tour de Bayou race at Memorial Park. What a great time and experience. I had the wonderful opportunity to follow the one and only "disco diva" through the Ho Chi Minh trails. Our small pack had a fun time and enjoyed the company of each other.
The weather was nice and with a little luck from the running God's I was able to stay upright the entire time. A couple of close calls but no bonking. The event was uneventful with the exception of one wrong turn than extended our run nearly half a mile. The initial course was measured as 4.92. At the finish line, my garmin 205 read 5.31. This was a true test for the new Garmin, which states it is equipped with better software for trails and running near tall buildings. The new garmin is a LOT more accurate than my old 201 and with the new "Training Center" software it has been an enjoyable toy.

Here is the Tour de Bayou info:

Activity: Run (Safe to call this a Hill workout?)
Mileage: 5.31 miles
Time: 1:11:42
Location: Ho Chi Minh Trails - Memorial Park
How I felt: 8, but I got a severe headache after the run??

Nutritionally, today was average to good. I try to stay at or below 2,500 calories... Except Sundays. Sunday has become my "off-day" and I reward myself for a long week of dieting and running. Within these parameters I usually consume 350-500 carbs, about 100 grams of protein, and less than 60 grams of fat. Here is today's overview:

Weight: 214.5
Body Fat: n/a

Calories: 2,433
Fat: 49 grams
Carb's: 340 grams
Protein: 162 grams


Tiggs said...

severe headache--- this happens to me after every run where it is the least bit hot. Initially I thought drinking more water would help. I think that is part of it. But the real help is eating 1 or 2 packets of salt. I had a SPLITTING headache after a race and I had properly hydrated. I was miserable and called my mom who is a nurse. She said to eat salt, I did and 20 minutes later headache was gone.

Humble Runner said...

The headache was odd, because I never get headaches. Your right, it was bit warm at times, I'll try the salt next time and see what happens. Thanks for the advice. Stay safe! Bill