Monday, May 22, 2006

35-mile week?

I finished last week with 28.05 miles. The mileage was exactly what I had projected, since it was an easy week. This week, I'm back on schedule with both the diet and my running. If all goes well I hope to do 35 miles. I'm giving up the two-a-day runs. I plan to tack on some extra mileage in the warm up & cool down and add an extra day. We'll see how it works. Below is this weeks projected schedule.
Hopefully I've got all the bad food cravings out of my system. Today's diet went very good. I'm trying for less than 3000 calories, everyday till June 30th. No "off days", unless I am ahead of scheduled weight loss. I WILL BE under 200 pounds by the June 30th date. I was a little disappointed about being off the wagon for nearly 10 days. Again, it's behind me and back to the grind I go!

Monday: Off-day
Tuesday: 2.0 mile warm up, 30 minutes of hills, and 2.0 mile cool down
Wednesday: 5-6 mile group run with Striders.
Thursday: 3 mile warm up, 6 x 400 interval with 100 meter recovery, 3 mile cool down
Friday: Upper and mid-body weight training
Saturday: Astros Race for the Pennant 5k, followed by 1.5 mile cool down
Sunday: Long run 12 miles

Calories: 2995
Fat: 49 grams
Carbs: 513 grams
Protein: 155 grams

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