Wednesday, May 03, 2006

4-pounds gone, 35-pounds to go!

For nearly 10 days I have been at or near 213 pounds. For some unknown reason, I tend to lose several pounds in a couple of days, then my weight levels off for a week or so... either way, I'm losing weight. Weight loss has been a lot better since starting my "two-a-day" runs, plus the heat has kept my heart rate up during the easier workouts.

Weight: 210.5
Body Fat: 25.7%
Fat Mass Weight: 54 pounds

Today during my easy morning run, my knees were a little sore. No pain, just sore from last nights trail run. My energy level was low. I planned on 3 miles, but I quit at 2.5 miles. Overall, the run was good, but the treadmill has a way of zapping the fun out of a run.

Activity: Run (easy)
Mileage: 2.5 miles
Time: 32:30
Location: Home - Treadmill
How I felt (1-10): 7

After my morning run I did my usual weight training. I do a total of 28 different exercises (8 mid-body, 8 upper-body, and 11 lower-body). Again, my energy level was LOW, but after I got started I tapped into some reserves and all went well. Here is how today's weight training looks:

Activity : Weight training
Body parts: Upper and Mid-body
Time: One hour
Location: Home gym
How I felt: 8.5

Good nutritional day. Felt a little hungry late in the day, so I posted this blog and went to bed.

Calories: 2509
Fat: 30 grams
Carb's: 381 grams
Protein: 191 grams

I wrapped the day up with the final Spring SMART session at Memorial Park. Coach Steve designed a "guess you pace" four-mile run. Each runner had to quess their pace and not discuss the times with other runners. For simplicity I guessed 10:30. That pace is my middle-of-the-road pace. I felt naked without my watch, which was part of the rules. Awards were given for the runners who came closest to their predication. As luck may have it, I won with an one second per mile faster pace. The other winners were within 10 seconds of their predicated pace and truth be known, they probably know a lot more about their pace than I do. I feel a little guilty. At one point I tried to walk, but fellow Strider, Disco Diva encouraged me to stay running till the water stop. My overall pace was far from consistent. At the two-mile mark I felt like I had ate a center block. No cramps, but a heavy feeling that was uncomfortable. The reason (excuse): I ate dinner before the run. During prior Spring Smart runs, I have found myself EXTREMELY hungry after the Wednesday night run and it is well after 9pm when I get home. In the future I need to consider a large snack, rather than a full-blown supper.

After the run several Striders hung out and socialized about various running topics. I received some GREAT summer running tips from Matt and Bessie. My motivation/energy level was low all day, but after our discussion I'm already looking forward to tomorrows run! Not only are Matt and Bessie good people, but they have a way of understanding the obstacles and challenges that the "Average" runner is faced with. I feel faster just knowing them!

Activity: Run
Mileage: 4.0 miles
Time: 41:56 minutes
Location: Memorial Park, plus 4-loops around the track.
How I felt: 7

"I often lose motivation, but its something I accept as normal" - Bill Rodgers


Anonymous said...

Hey Bill,

You're in good company, the other three participants who won membership extensions in the Strider - Know Thyself competition all have Boston Marathon experience.

The ability to run at a predetermined pace can be very handy both for effective training and effective racing (witness Deena Kastor's dead flat splits at a pace she practiced extensively in winning the London Marathon).

Cheers, Steeeve

Jessica, a Austin Runner AND triathlete said...

congrats to you on an excellent training run yesterday! hope to see you at summer SMART :)

Unknown said...

Keep up the good work.

I lose weight like that too - nothing for several days, then several pounds at once.

Keith out.