Monday, May 08, 2006

New week

No more daily weight reports. The fluctuation of my body weight seems to beat up my spirit, so I'm going to restrain from my usual dailey reports. I'll continue reporting my weight, but only once or twice a week.
I had a great off day and I'm looking forward to tomorrows hill run. I have a busy day scheduled at work, so I will need to wake up extra early for my hill run. If we aren't too busy I will be able to do a few extra miles at work. I was able to find a co-woker to cover my shift while I attend the Houston Strider monthly meeting. I can't wait to here the guess speakers!

This week I hope to bust the 30-mile week mark. Sundays long run is 11 miles. I have a lot of different personal business going on, so my post might be a little short this week. Here is what I have on my schedule:

Monday: Off
Tuesday: 30 minute hills (morning) and 3 miles easy (evening)
Wednesday: 3 miles easy (morning) and Strider Wednesday training (5-6 miles?????)
Thursday: 3 easy miles (morning) and 10x400 intervals @ 8:00/mile pace, 200 meter recovery(evening)
Friday: Bike 30-45 minutes or 2 easy miles
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 11 miles, morning long run

Calories: 2478
Fat: 34 grams
Carbs: 372 grams
Protein: 149 grams

1 comment:

Steve Bezner said...

Congrats on your recent running successes! Those look like some very attainable goals. Keep it up!

I can't wait to hear what the guest have to say myself... :)

Steve Bezner