Sunday, May 21, 2006

Beach to Bay Report

We had a great time in Corpus Christi. I ran leg three in the 6-person marathon relay. My leg of the race was documented as 4.4 miles. The Garmin read 4.33 miles. Leg three starts on the Island at the base of the bridge, you tranverse the bridge, and finish on Waldron Street (near the HEB). The incline was not as bad as I had feared. The elevation was 102 feet from the starting point and was only 1/2 mile to the peak. The remainder of my run was rather flat. I didn't push the envelope due to the heat. I finished my leg in 41:20. I had a solid finish, a smooth transfer, and a lot of fun. What else do you need?
Our team came in just under the four-hour mark, 3:59:08. We called ourselves the Strider Stompers. Team mates were:

Leg 1: Barbara Shepard (beach)
Leg 2: Amy Solway
Leg 3: Bill Cox (bridge)
Leg 4: Julie Norton
Leg 5: Bryon Evenson
Leg 6: Jessica Alexander (picure above of Jess finishing)

I went to bed at 10:00 pm on race day. I woke up two hours later (mid-night) with severe pain in both my knees and on the medial side of my right tibia. Walking seemed to ease the pain. I took a couple ibprofern and went for an extended night walk. I returned to my room at 2:00 am and was tired enough to sleep with the minor discomfort. The next morning my legs were sore, but no pain.
Sunday morning I was in a rush to get back to Houston, so I cut the group run short. The scheduled run was 10+ miles. I ran out 20 minutes and returned. The tibia pain returned, but seemed a lot better when I slowed down to a 12:00/mile pace. The pain was also lessened by running on the grass. There wasn't much grass on the route, so I took advantage of what bits and pieces I found.

Activity: Run (B2B, Leg 3)
Mileage: 4.33 miles
Time: 41:20 minutes
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
How I felt (1-10): 8.5

Activity: Run (easy)
Mileage: 3.44 miles
Time: 41:08 minutes
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
How I Felt: 7

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your Dad. Matt& I will keep him and your family in our prayers. As for your Wednesday night Houston Strider run, YOU ROCK!!! The heat & humidity are a tough combination. Sometimes I think, tougher than the actual run itself! One note, keep running in these conditions and you WILL become mentally a tougher runner. I admire your diligence, commitment and stamina...your just a heck of a nice guy and I wish you happy trails for many years to come. Keep up your hard work!
You inspire me to give it my all!!!

Bessie Wright, Proud Fellow