Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Back on Schedule

2-miles at the Humble City Park. The run was harder than expected for two reasons. One, over the weekend they put in a new layer of crushed granite. The new surface is about 4-6 inches thick and has not been packed yet. Second, I was pushing the jogging stroller with Alison and her dog, Clifford. The jogging stroller felt more like a wheel barrow with a flat tire due to the soft surface and the added weight. The run went well. The weather was great. I didn't break a sweat until I stopped. I did lots of stretches and a 1/2 mile cool-down walk.

Activity: Run (easy)
Mileage: 2 miles
Time: 23:12 minutes
Location: Humble City Park
How I felt (1-10): 8

Sunday I was scheduled to do weight training (lower body), but had to postpone the workout until today. Monday I was scheduled to do upper and mid-body weight training. Due to some personal obligations, it too had to be rescheduled for today. All the weight training made for a long day, but I'm glad to say it is done and I'm all caught up.

Activity: Weight training; total body including upper/lower/mid-body
Time: 1.5 hours
Location: Home Gym
How I felt: 8.5

I just couldn't find the energy to go do my hill run outside. I have a "hill" here in Humble that is similar to Jackson hill, but only closer to home. I've labeled it "Highway 59 bypass hill". It is not as steep, but it's similar in height. Any ways, I got lazy and did my hill training on the treadmill. 1/2 mile warm up, 30-minutes easy hill program, and a 1/2 mile cool down. Everything was ok, with the exception of sore knees and an upset stomach after the run.

Activity: Run, Hills plus warm-up and cool-down
Mileage: 0.5 warm up, 2.18 hills, 0.5 cool down
Time: Total 43:20 (30 minutes of hills)
Location: Treadmill
How I felt: 8

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