Sunday, May 28, 2006

Long run (long post)

Coming off of yesterdays high, I decided to try a long run. We skipped the beach trip today and decided to stay home and visit the subdivision pool. Ok, back on track... My Uncle called late last night and asked if we were going to run Sunday. I hadn't given the idea much thought until his phone call. Before we hung up, I committed to a long run at the Humble City Park. I needed a soft surface and didn't feel like driving. This was the easiest solution.
We started at 8am this morning. The temperature was in the low 80's, overcast skies, and no wind at all. Similar to yesterday, I spent an extended amount of time stretching.
The first 6 miles was hot, but easy. Then the problems started. But the issues belonged to my Uncle (Kevin), not me. I find Kevin's running style and pattern a bit challenging. I enjoy running with Kevin, but it is mentally fatiguing on me to stop/start, start/walk, run/stretch, walk/ stretch, stretch/water, retie shoes/water, walk/bathroom, well you get the point. I do a lot better with a consistent, uninterrupted pace. It is hard for me to find a comfortable stride with all the stopping. Kevin means well, but it's a HARD task to keep him in motion for more than 2-miles without a water/restroom/stretch/retie his shoe break. I know this probably reads like I'm a bastard from hell, but this is MY BLOG and this is how I REALLY FEEL. In an ever so polite way I suggested we met for shorter distances rather than the long runs we've been doing. I hate this because we've been jogging our long runs together for several months. Let me stop here, before you think I'm a horrible person who doesn't deserve a running partner.
Back to MY run. I was comfortable to the 8-mile mark. I wanted a minimum of 7-miles and set a goal of 12 -miles. I completed 11-miles, but the last one was pure walking (only ten miles running). Walking after the 8-mile mark took its toll and I never felt comfortable again after that point. The tenth mile was hard. Every muscle in my body hurt. I hoped walking mile 11 with Kevin would help, but it didn't so I elected to call it a day. Near the end of our run a small rain shower moved in and cooled us off, yet is wasn't enough to make my legs run one more mile. I won't know the real results of today's run until tomorrow morning. The shin splints hurt, but only when my muscles are cold (the morning).
Yesterday and today Alison, Erin, and I spent several hours at the pool. I've gained a new respect for multi-sport athletes (swimmers). I tried to do laps in the pool and lets just say, it wasn't pretty.

The diet thing was average today, nothing exciting to post.

Activity: Run (long)
Mileage: 11 miles
Time: 2:27:02 (13:22/mile pace) THAT'S UGLY
Location: Humble City Park
How I Felt: 9.5 first half, 7 second half

Activity: Swim (casual/playing)
Time: 2-hours
Location: Woodland Pines Subdivision pool
How I felt: 10

Weight: 213.5 pounds

Calories: 2987
Fat: 72 grams
Carbs: 396 grams
Protein: 196 grams


Unknown said...

From on "the rules of blogging" :)

Rule #1 "Don't write anything that you wouldn't want anyone to read. As a sub-rule, don't write anything that you wouldn't want even one specific person to read, because it's guaranteed that the one person you don't want to read it will find it."

P.S. My long run was rough today too. I slept for about 6 hours after it, and now I think I might go sleep some more.

Humble Runner said...

Todays post falls under the: "I can talk smack about my family, but YOU BETTER NOT SAY ONE BAD WORD ABOUT THEM" category.

He knows, I know. Not a huge deal with us. Simply stated: At longer distance's we are very different runners.

Sarah said...

Whoa, Keith quoted me -- weird!! :)

I wasn't going to say that, actually. I was going to say that you're not a horrible person for having a different running style -- it's very important that running partners have the same style! I don't run with one of my friends anymore because she was just too intense for me and I stopped having fun. If your style doesn't match Kevin's, it's doesn't make you a bad person to not want to do long runs with him.