Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Strider meeting

Today went as expected.... BUSY and FAST! I did my hill run on the treadmill at 05:00 this morning before work. I need to wing myself off the treadmill.... over the last few weeks I have done 50% of my runs on that God-awful machine. Work itself was off the scale. I'm working on my FY 2007 budget, ordering inventory, attending meetings, and responding to calls. This job is starting to get in the way of my running!

Luckily I found a coworker to cover my shift long enough for me to attend the Strider Formal meeting. Before the meeting I squeezed in a lower body weight training workout.

At Champs Americana, I sat with several new Strider members who are very excited about the club. The venue was pleasant, the food was delightful, plus it was a lot closer to my home than the last informal meeting location. Yeah! Before leaving, I had the opportunity to visit with others members regarding the Beach to Bay relay. I now have a roommate for the Corpus Christi trip, and I volunteered to help Santos with cooking duties at the Strider Picnic in June.

The guest speakers were very informative and motivating. Steve Bezner and I share a lot of similar characteristic's. Hopefully, I will be as successful as him with the weight loss. After the meeting I went for a leisure 3 mile run around the Fire Station. The .20 loops get old, but the weather was great and the run felt good.

I was so busy today I hardly had time to eat. At the Strider meeting I ordered the Cajun chicken sandwich (grilled chicken, lettuce, and bread only). I restrained from the waffle fries, and the ever so tempting chocolate cake that was placed in front of me.

Activity: Run (hills).
Mileage: 2.25 plus: 1/2 mile warm-up and 1/2 mile cool-down
Time: 30 minutes (hills only)
Location: Home - Treadmill
How I Felt (1-10): 9

Activity: Weight Training
Body Part: Lower
Time: 35 minutes
Location: Home gym
How I felt: 9.5

Activity: Run (easy)
Mileage: 3.0 miles
Time: 30:55 minutes
Location: Work (Humble FD)
How I felt: 10++

Calories: 2357
Fat: 38 grams
Carbs: 317 grams
Protein: 198 grams
I guessed VERY high on my chicken sandwich, so I assume the numbers should be a lot lower.


Steve Bezner said...

Nice consistent workouts!

Keep it up and you'll certainly reach your goals!

Seeya on the roads!

jen said...

Nice to meet you at the Strider meeting! Hope to see you at future races! :)