Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day

Happy belated MEMORIAL DAY. Thank you, US Veterans!

I'm currently on a 48-hour shift that started Monday morning. Yesterday was an off day, so I did no running or weight training.

Weight: 214

Calories: 2981
Fat: 55 grams
Carbs: 443 grams
Protein: 238 grams

Calories: 2773
Fat: 52 grams
Carbs: 412 grams
Protein: 224 grams

Both days were a little high on the protein, but otherwise a fair beginning to the week.

Today I ran at work. My leg felt good all day. The only problem is the surface around the Fire Station. The slope of the route is similar to running on the side of a hill. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but you get the point. I didn't stretch much and suffered the first mile as a direct result. The last two miles were easier and faster. I'm very happy with the cardio part. My heart rate seemed to be in the high 90's.

Activity: Run (easy)
Mileage: 3.0 miles
Time: 32:49
Location: Humble FD - Station 1
How I felt: 9

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