Saturday, May 13, 2006

Run the Woodlands 5k #153

I met Kevin at the race only minutes before the start. I was delayed by a MVA, which left me just enough time for a few stretches. My legs are still sore, which is why I stayed on the fence about how aggressive I planned on running. Kevin stated his calf has been hurting again, reason unknown. Almost immediately after the start I decided to run this race easy, with one exception. Kevin and I wanted a run a 30 minute 5k. I tried not to look at my watch too much. When I sensed we were slowing down I occasionally looked at the current pace and I hit all the mile laps. After the 1-mile mark, I really wanted to take off. I tried picking up the pace, but Kevin stated his calf was hurting to much for anything faster than the current pace. Since the topics of our conversation were good, I decided to stay with him. We did an excellent job on predicting our time. We finished 30:08, only 8 seconds slower than what we wanted. I can live with that. After the run I realized how much the training is helping. I wasn't the least bit tired. I even asked Kevin if he wanted to do a second lap and make it a 10k..... he declined. So, today was another good running day (isn't everyday you run a good day?).
I feel so good that I am tempted to do an evening run. Its probably smart to hold off, due to tomorrows long run and I would exceed the "10% rule" for this week.
Thanks to Jon Walk, HRB president for helping refer my Uncle Kevin to a few TWRC members, including a super nice guy named "Bill". I hope Kevin as an opportunity to join a club and reap the rewards of club membership.
I'm looking forward to my 11-mile long run tomorrow with Bessie and Matt. Wish me luck.

1 comment: said...

Bill, thanks for coming out to Run The Woodlands. I hope you and your uncle had a great time. You were part of the third largest attendance in the event's history today.

I know I typically do everytime I go out there whether I race or not.

When the pictures get loaded up on the RTW site, there are a couple of good shots of you that you may want to download a copy of.