Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Six miles w/ knee pain

It would be easy to give up. I'm constantly tired. All I want to do is sleep. I forced myself out the door this evening. The weather remains warm, but the humidity is slightly lower.

I was surprised at the soreness from yesterdays SMALL run. Mile two felt really good and I thought to myself, "I'm back!". Then my right knee started hurting. Sharp pain on both sides of the patella, primarily lateral aspect. I ran through the pain, thinking it was psychological. Now, my knee appears "puffy" as I sit here typing this. Not completely swollen, but you can see a difference when compared to my left knee. These setbacks are getting old. As I said before, I just want to run.

Activity: Run
Mileage: 6 miles
Time: 1:01:50 -- 10:18 pace
10:45, 10:20, 9:56,
10:12, 9:47, 10:48
Location: Trailwood Village
How I Felt: 7


Anonymous said...

Your are almost there Puff Daddy...the toughness you build now will be what you rely on in the final few miles! Have you ever tried having ice baths after hard/sore runs? I find they do wonders for my legs/joints. I just fill up the tub with cold tap water and sit in it for ~20 minutes after a brutal run.
Hang in there stud!

Anonymous said...

Stud, knee pain is often an indication it's time to switch out the old shoes. Get thee to a running store and try on new sneaks, could be magic!


Anonymous said...

Did you wear your new shoes? Don't make me trade you in for a newer model.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear of your knee pain. Good advice on the shoes and great motivation from Erin. Do what you need to do, just don't fall off the wagon!

Unknown said...

Hang in there Bill. Maybe a Big Mac will help!!! Or 2!

TX Runner Mom said...

Dang knee...ice, ice and more ice! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

having fought through knee pains myself, Do the ice like everyone is saying. and don't neglect the stretching.