Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Almost 10 miles

I'm not sure why, but I felt spent on my run. Once again, I had Alison in the stroller for a typical greenbelt run. The entire time I felt sluggish and lacked motivation. The plan was ten miles, but I only pounded out 4.1 miles.

My darling wife took over parenting duties when she got home from work, which enabled me to run again, but this time with the Striders. We ran a club favorite: Memorial to Jackson Hill. The route is nearly 5.5 miles. Now you see why I titled the post, almost 10 miles. What a difference you can have by changing only a couple factors. The most significant difference was pace. My average pace for the first run was 11:49 and the pace for the group run was 9:19. Plus it felt good both mentally and physically. Sometimes it makes me happy to run comfortably hard. Today was this day.

Special thanks to Bessie, Jessica, and Ruben for hanging out with me. It makes a world of difference when your surrounded by friends.

Activity: Run #1
Mileage: 4.11 miles
Time: 48:33 -- 11:49 pace
Location: Kingwood Greenbelts
How I Felt: 8

Activity: Run #2
Mileage: 5.31 miles
Time: 49:30 -- 9:19 pace
9:46, 9:25, 9:18, 8:55, 9:21, 2:45, (0.31)
Location: Memorial Park
How I Felt: 9.5

Thanks, Erin. It would have been easy to short today's mileage or unhappily pound it out. My training would significantly suffer if it wasn't for you. Your the BEST!


Junie B said...

Hey I saw Reuben out there last night on my last loop....I never saw any other Striders...i guess i totally forgot about a Wednesday run...poo.

Unknown said...

Steve Schroeder has given me some good tips. One thing he said is when you get tired or sluggish, pick up the pace a little bit. I makes you acutally feel rejuvinated. Looks like the quick pace and of course the friends had Bill felling frisky again. Keep up the good work.