Sunday, December 10, 2006

Over-due recognition

You find out who your friends are when you need something. In an earlier post, I mentioned that I had not received my 30k race packet. Steve Bezner jumped at the chance to save me the long drive. At packet pick-up Steve learned that they did not have me registered. Let me remind you, this was Friday afternoon. That evening he bent over backwards to locate me and give me the urgent news. I worked out the problem and Steve made a second trip the next day. Steve Bezner is as nice as he is FAST. Thanks buddy. I owe you one.

Second thanks to Andy with Finish Line sports. He promptly replied to my email last week, when I asked about not receiving my race packet in the mail. After learning they did not have me registered, I began to worry due to timing. Long story short, Andy called me at 11:00 pm Friday night and admitted a few hard copies had been lost. He personally registered me over the phone and took my word that I paid (Yes, I have the returned check). He also left instructions for his staff that Steve Bezner would be picking up the packet on Saturday.

There are several reasons why I thought this incident deserved recognition. First: He admitted there was an problem and didn't try to pawn it off as my error. Second: He corrected the problem immediately. Third: He was very nice and polite. I can only imagine how busy and stressed a RD must be the day before a race . Job well done Andy (Finish Line Sports).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Kudos, but there was nothing to it. I was happy to get your "elite number!"

Andy runs a great shop and from everything I've heard is as nice as they come!


It's gonna be a fun ride!