Sunday, October 29, 2006


Last post for a couple days or until I get settled into the new house.

Ran the Houston Half-Marathon this morning. Great weather. Great run. Made a HUGE mistake by running in a long sleeve shirt. Yeah, I'm still learning some of the basic stuff. Within the first mile I could see steam coming off my arms.

My goal was 1:59-2:15. I told myself that I wanted to run every mile at 9:30/pace. I also wanted to run a solid "Strider" for the last 0.10 of each mile. The established game plan went well. It went so well, I may have a "new race strategy".

I started at the very end of the starting line pack, which slowed me down a lot. For the first three miles I was having difficulty navigating all the other runners. I ran into the back of 10-12 runners who were doing a walk-run. I was following people and when it was time for them to walk, they stopped dead in their tracks, resulting in a small collision. I'm not to sure of running etiquette, but it was frustrated. I always apologized to the other runners and seldom received a polite comment in return. Oh well, my bad.. I think.

This is probably one of my best races ever. Hard to compare this race to my 5k PR, which was paced with Coach, but it's certainly in the top 2. I put a TON of effort into this race and I was awarded with a nice time. I tried sooooo hard to beat the 2:00-hour window, but it was a no go. Talk about negative splits, check out my first half versus the second( 1st: 1:03:56, 2nd: 58:48). That's more than a 5-minute negative split. Way to go Bill!

I'll post more about the race in general... when I have more time.

Activity: Race
Mileage: 13.15 miles (ran a little long, zig-zagging around people)
Time: 2:00:16 -- 9:09 pace
9:30, 9:32, 9:19, 9:25,
9:18, 9:33, 9:11, 9:17,
8:57, 8:52, 8:43, 8:42,
8:49, 1:11 (0.15 mile)
Location: Houston, TX
How I Felt: 9.9

Pains: My right ITB was throbbing after the 7-mile mark. It hurt from my hip to below my knee. Never progressed beyond a mild ache. Probably nothing to it.


Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO BILL!!! Steeeve

Anonymous said...

Those negative splits were nice, but what was that in your pants?!!! I see that you were pretty excited to finish the race!!

ps - about the stop-start runner/walkers. I had quite the experience running the Houston marathon last year. At ~ mile 14 I was going through the water station and a walker stepped right infront of me so that they too could get a frosty beverage. I slammed right into them, dropped my water, and totally winded myself. I was a little upset, but I guess at the end of the day it is just great to see people out being active and for some people, this may be the only thing they do all year. So, I try to not get too upset when these things happen because most often, they are just not aware (because they have not had the same level of 'practice' as the rest of us).

Great Job Bill!

Sarah said...

First of all, congrats on an AWESOME run! Gotta love that mega-negative split.

Running etiquette says stay to the left if you're running, to the right if you're walking. Not sure what the run/walkers should do. I tend to think that everything would be ok if everyone would stay aware of what's happening around them. I walk through water stations, but I always glance behind me before I slow to walk to make sure I won't block anyone, and I always move as far to the right as possible until I start running again. But lots of people are only concentrating on their own race, and don't pay attention to those around them.

Humble Runner said...

I may be exaggerating about how many people I ran into... but it wasn't any less than six. Sarah, I did what I knew to do, which was to run on the far left side. That may have been part of the problem, because I was usually "boxed" in with a curb. When they stopped I had nowhere “safe” to go.

I wasn't mad, but the people I brushed into seemed VERY UPSET. Each and every time, I apologized and went on my way. I assumed they should have been on the right side or sloooow down to a walk, rather than hit the breaks from a 9-ish pace. I know I bear a lot of the fault for starting so far back. Lesson Learned.

David I agree with you also. I saw all kinds of runners. People like Sean Wade and another unknown guy who was still running when we left (4+ hours??). EVERYONE, no matter ability is better for being out there.


Junie B said...

you kicked ass bill!!

Unknown said...

I must admit that I did a very good job getting out of people's way. Especially as the lead group came up behind on lap 2. I just did not want to get in anyone's way. I remember, like Sarah does, looking over my shoulder before "pulling over" to the water stop.

By the way, I TOLD YOU you needed to be up with all the fast people, didn't I? Next time, listen! :)

Hey, let me know if you need any help moving. I should be able to walk by around Wednesday or Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Awesome run Bill. I always love to read your comments. What a beautiful day to be a runner. I personaly was blessed to share the half marathon experience with 3000+ others.
Matt W.........

Anonymous said...

It was so exciting to see you out there running well! I enjoyed cheering for all my Strider-buddies = ))

John always encourages me to start closer to the front than I think I should start and when I listen to him, things go much better. He also advises me to dress cooler than I think I should and he's always been right about that too!

Don't worry about the people you bumped into...maybe it will make them think about doing things differently the next time. I need to be more aware of myself when walking through water stops...

I wish I could help you move...I enjoy doing that = )

Anonymous said...

Great job Bill. You might want to start mid pack or even closer, but I would defer to Coach Steeeve as to where you want to start. He has told me a couple of times to start closer to the starting line where I would never have on my own.

Good Running and good cross training for your move!


Anonymous said...

The easy rule-of-thumb for positioning yourself at the starting line is to start where you think you'll finish. For Bill right now that's about 2/3 of the way up from the back.

Rule-of-thumb for attire is dress for the finish. It was noticeably warmer at 9am yesterday morning than 7am, not to mention that you generate loads o heat when running.

And, on water stations, it's generally right to assume everybody around you is paying no attention, so plan your moves accordingly.

Tell you what, drinking on the run is a useful skill to acquire. Pinch the cup to create a little spout and you're OK.


TX Runner Mom said...

Congrats on a job well done! Sorry about the run a Galloway-er, I always try to stay to the far right, especially when a walk break is coming up. Way to go!!!

SRR said...

Yeah for you!!! It has been forever. I need to catch up with you!!

Anonymous said...


I think it is time that you crossed off another one of your running goals for 2006 over there on the column to the right...Congratulations!

ps - When is the house warming party?!!

Anonymous said...

Hey you going to be running with the Saints?
