Sunday, October 15, 2006

USA 10-miler race report

New race distance PR.

The morning started a little shaky at packet pick-up. The volunteers were not able to find my registration. The staff went out of their way and issued me a new bib and chip. So, all was well. As most of you know the weather was on-and-off rain. Temperature was nice, just wet.

Coach had an "effort" schedule for me and I wanted it to translate into an 1:30-1:40 finish time. I ran the first 5 miles sub-10:00 minute pace. Tried to run miles 5-8 near 9:30 pace, mile 9 sub-9:00 pace and then let it all hang out for the final mile. I ran comfortably hard for the first 8 miles and uncomfortably hard to the end.

I might have improved my time a little if I had not walked all the water stops. Most stops were less than 20 seconds and 20 yards. You can easily identify the water stations by looking at my mile splits below. I also needed to urinate from the beginning, which made the mental aspects harder.

I was passed my more runners today, than any other prior race. I picked off a couple dozen on the last mile, but otherwise it was a steady stream of runners passing me the entire way. I only saw two Strider's during the race. The first was my friend, Kate. Well, I think it was Kate. She was moving INCREDIBLY fast and went by in a blur. Hillary and I ran in the same area between miles 6-8. She too looked very strong and appeared to be racing well.

I was all over the course, chasing softer asphalt. With the exception of the bridge over Clear Lake, the route was visually boring. No ones fault, there just wasn't much to look at. On the other hand, the pre and post race festivities were First Class. The long sleeve tech-shirt seems really nice.

The race was nicely done. Job well done, On the Run and BARC.

Activity: Race
Mileage: 10.07 miles
Time: 1:35:01 -- 9:26 pace
9:51 made myself slow down
9:56 walked the water station
9:55 walked the water station
9:35 walked the water station
8:31 walked the water station
0:27 (0.07) Accurate course, but I zig-zagged making it slightly longer
Location: Clear Lake, Texas
How I Felt: 10

Warm-up: 0.78 miles -- 8:02
Cool-down: 1.14 miles -- 15:12
Total mileage today: 11.99

The highlight of my day: I found out that John Yoder reads my blog!


Steve Bezner said...

oh, and I have blog envy now since John Yoder reads your blog!

Anonymous said...

John Yoder doesn't read my blog either. Oh, wait...


Junie B said...

agreed, that pre and post race fare was definitely awesome!!!

Junie B said...

oh and as always, great to see you!!!

Anonymous said...

So Bill, let me get this ran the last mile 22 seconds faster than mile 9 and that includes your water station time?!!! I wish my finish was as strong as yours! Well done man...awesome run!

Anonymous said...

Quote of the day,
The nice thing about a rainy day is that you can go ahead next time and pee on your self and it will just wash off. Ain't that a thought.........

Humble Runner said...

Yeap David, I put the hammer down on mile 9. Nearly ran out of gas before the end. I can't help but wonder what my time would have been if I would have stayed running through the water stations.

Anonynous, I had to urinate really bad, but never did I consider peeing on myself. You my friend, have issues. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey William "Bill",

Dan'l "Daniel" doesn't have issues, he's just very creative! Oh, and fast.


Anonymous said...

YOU just ran a negative split. I can usually only dream of running a negative split and you just did it with several minutes to spare. Great job Bill!


Humble Runner said...

WOW! Not only does John read my blog, but he also made a post.

I'm the luckiest blogger in Houston.

Anonymous said...

Hey, no fair. John's your training partner, he *** has *** to post to your blog. No sir, you're lucky because Pony posts to your blog :-)

John, couldn't find your blog so I'll post here - awesome job at the USA 10 Miler, especially since you paced it with next weekend in mind. Somebody's lined up for a very special result in Chicago!


Unknown said...

Great to see you Bill and thanks a bunch for cooling down with me . I was fading fast but it was mostly mental and you gave me a good extra push that last mile. Thanks again. Oh, and I'll have a big surprise on the blog some time this week or beginning of next week.