Sunday, October 08, 2006

EZ pace + Cool weather = SUPER Run

What a great morning. The weather was perfect. Dare I say, I was cold?

Kevin and I stashed water and hit the roads a few minutes before 7 am. Our pre-run plan was to take it slooooow, which is why we started before the arrival of Strider Nation. We wanted an opportunity to get ahead of the other runners, so we could attend breakfast with the gang.

Once we reached Lake Conroe we completed a full session of Silly Walks. This was Kevins first time and he seemed to enjoy the exercises. Since no other runners were in sight and to avoid cooling down, we ran back towards the starting point. The "lead pack" was in sight within half a mile. From that point, Kevin and I ran back to the lake and then ran two complete loops of the Hills inside the resort area. I'm not too sure of everyone's game plan, but we saw very few runners inside the resort. Those are some tough hills inside there, which made for a quality workout. We finished the morning run with a 3.5 mile trot through Teaswood.

I found my "Run-Forever" pace today. A couple of weeks ago I ran 15 miles and thought I was going to die. At the end of today's 14.28-miler I wanted more. Kevin ran 9 miles yesterday and admitted that he had enough for one day. I'm very proud of Kevin, because today was a HUGE distance PR for him.

I am so inspired by today's run. It is hard to put into words. In its purest form; today was a good running day.

Non-running related news: We put a contract on a house today. The house is beautiful. Erin and I fell in love with the house at first sight. The owner is in Europe, so we will not have an answer until late tomorrow night. Send your "good vibes" our way.

Activity: Long Run
Mileage: 14.28 miles
Time: 2:46:28 -- 11:39 pace
11:43, 11:21, 11:15, 10:58, 11:15,
11:11, 11:05, 12:02, 12:46, 11:55,
12:06, 11:59, 11:56, 11:36, 3:14 (0.28 mile)
Location: League Line Road, Conroe TX
How I Felt: 10


Unknown said...

Atta boy! That's what I wanted to hear

Anonymous said...

I was cold this morning too! I thought about going inside and getting a sweater = )

So no nausea today, I take it? Sounds like not, since your run was a 10! COOL BEANS!!

Jenny said...

Sounds like a great run and good news on the house. I'm thinking I don't actually have a 'run-forever' pace yet! LOL!

TX Runner Mom said...

Great weather, great run!!! Sending some good luck vibes for the house.

Anonymous said...

Way ta go, Willie. And, Kevin is making great strides as well, go Kevin!

Time for a recovery week. Aaaaaaahhh...


Humble Runner said...

You are correct, Pony. I've had three good runs without nausea. The slower pace has been good to me.

I didn't see the doctor, because I assumed the issue was a result of my poor dieting. My weight is in a small "tail spin", which I desperately want to get back under control. At least I feel my running is coming back… now to shake these newly added pounds.